Friday, July 10, 2009


I am Sarayu. My life has been generated to help ensure the future's brightness and happiness.
So this is my blog. It's got the necessary information to understand the process of my working - thoughts, sketches, plans, ideas, diary entries etc. This blog will follow the development of my world.

I have been thinking for a long time, about very profoud thoughts. I spent the last 7-8 months trying to understand my life completely and openly as well as those around me. I have come close to a form in which I can represent my life and am working on it.
The purpose of my life - to bring about peace and happiness throughout the world. How that happens is for you to understand. I cannot tell you, only you can find it for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I tried to join but there seems to be a disagreement between me and Google but when I get that cleared I will be back.

    Sarayu's story is painful but hopeful.
    Be well you and Sarayu, and create lots,
